Uproar during arrest – raging robber (21) injured six police officers

This man clearly has no control over his emotions. The 21-year-old attacked several police patrols after an attempted robbery of a teenager. He threatened to kill the officers and their families, injured half a dozen of them and also damaged a patrol car.

On Friday afternoon, in a parking lot in Grieskirchen, a 21-year-old local wanted to steal the necklaces of a 16-year-old from St. Thomas near Waizenkirchen. He grabbed his victim by the sweater and chains and threatened him massively.Victim injured in the jawBut the 16-year-old managed to break away. However, the attacker was quickly able to grab him again, brutally pulled him again by his necklaces and hit him in the face with his fist, so that the teenager was injured in the lower jaw. However, the suspect then fled without loot towards the train station, where police officers called him to help could provide. When the officers wanted to search him, the 21-year-old suddenly became extremely aggressive. Police officer in hospital treatment He attacked the police officers, punched them and injured a total of six of them. He shouted that he would stab them all and kill their families too. One of the officers then had to be treated in hospital for an arm injury. Blinded by anger, the 21-year-old also kicked in the left rear window of a patrol car. However, it was finally possible to subdue and arrest the rampaging man. Numerous criminal charges are now awaiting the young man with the public prosecutor’s office.
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