USZIT plants one tree for each Euro Goal

This is a paid item presented by USZIT

A soccer game without goals is like a soccer game without beer: just a little boring. Fortunately, a 0-0 score doesn’t happen that often, at the current European Championship for the first time. In Spain against Sweden. Otherwise, the ball wriggled in the net at least once during each game.

And offensive urge should be rewarded: For every goal at the European Championship, USZIT plants 11 trees in the forest of the future (more information on the project in Lucerne is available here).

Just a beer. But a better one.

USZIT is just a beer. A Swiss beer. But it still wants to make a difference. That is why 5 cents of every can (more environmentally friendly than glass) goes to the protection of the Swiss forest.

The chances that the EM will provide such a large amount of forest are good. A total of 108 goals were scored at the 2016 European Championship in France, which corresponds to an average of 2.12 goals per game. Times 11 would mean 1188 trees. And that was a rather low-goal tournament. In 2021 we’re currently standing at 28 goals after 12 games – an average of 2.33.

Incidentally, the record is 4.75 goals per game, which happened at the 1976 finals in Yugoslavia. In 1968 in Italy, on the other hand, there were only a meager 1.4 goals on average – it’s the country of the catenaccio.

But the prospects look much better in 2021. Or loosely based on Sepp Herberger: You have to be 11 trees.

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