Vaccination chief Berger angry – after scandal during the interview – “Schawinski should apologize”


In the “Corona Talk” program, the media man and the head of the National Vaccination Commission, Christoph Berger, got into each other’s hair. Berger broke off the interview. Both remain unforgiving.

1 / 4th

After the interview was interrupted – physician Christoph Berger demands: “Schawinski should apologize”


The President of the Swiss Vaccination Commission (EKIF) reacted angrily to Schawinski's questions and hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation.

The President of the Swiss Vaccination Commission (EKIF) reacted angrily to Schawinski’s questions and hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation.

20min / Simon Glauser

Roger Schawinski moderates the

Roger Schawinski moderates the “Corona Talk” on Radio 1 every week.

20min / Taddeo Cerletti

  • In the latest edition of his weekly Corona Talk on Radio 1, radio producer Roger Schawinski accused the doctor Christoph Berger several times that the vaccination campaign in this country was completely behind.

  • Whereupon Berger ended the interview without further ado. Schawinski then called the pediatrician a “wrong choice” as President of the Swiss Vaccination Commission.

  • Now Berger demands an apology.

In an interview on Radio 1, there was a scandal between the station’s founder Roger Schawinski and Christoph Berger, President of the Federal Vaccination Commission (EKIF) and a prominent face of Swiss pandemic management.

Schawinski had called Berger during his weekly Corona Talk to ask him about the status of the booster campaign. Schawinski insisted on accusing the authorities of dawdling over the Omikron variant. Switzerland is too slow to vaccinate. Berger initially defended the government’s course. It was correct that the elderly and people in the risk group were vaccinated first. But when the conversation turned to vaccination for children, it got heated at first before the doctor unceremoniously hung up the phone. «I don’t argue any further like this! Goodbye! ”Replied the vaccination chief and hung up the phone.

Both parties are irreconcilable

Two days after the incident, both Berger and Schawinski are irreconcilable. “He should apologize to me,” says Berger when asked by the “Tages-Anzeiger”. “Schawinski did not even listen to him on the show, but simply segregated his attacks, which by no means serve to promote acceptance of the vaccine, but rather to incite him. “For him it’s all about quota and spectacle.”

Schawinski counters that Berger did not produce the scandal himself by hanging up the phone, that the whole uproar only arose, the radio maker told the Tages-Anzeiger. “If Berger hadn’t lost his nerve, our conversation would never have been hyped up into a scandal.”

Berger feels “misunderstood” by Schawinski

When it came to vaccinating children, Switzerland reacted too slowly, accused Schawinski Berger on the program. The medic first defended himself before switching to the attack. One must be aware that the pandemic cannot be “vaccinated” and that other measures are also important. For Schawinski, this is a “highly dangerous statement”, as he said two days after the interview. “The militant anti-vaccination campaigners who have sent me numerous triumphant emails are happy about that,” said the radio pioneer. Berger feels that Schawinski has “misunderstood” him because he has not listened properly. “I am concerned when my statements remain misunderstood and twisted, instead being aimed at my head in a sensation-seeking way.” Schawinski counters that he hadn’t listened, that he was wrong, that you can listen to it in the podcast.

At the request of 20 minutes, the head of the vaccination commission also commented on the allegations: “We are making all the vaccination recommendations to the best of our knowledge and belief and we take them very seriously. I am very open to criticism and accept it. ” Berger also clarifies why he did not want to continue the conversation: “I do not respond to provocations and criticism, where it is more about entertainment value and clicks than about the matter itself and that went too far for me”.

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