Vaccination of children aged 5 to 11: nearly 7 in 10 parents are against it, according to a survey

The vaccination of children, which would be done in France with an adapted version of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, is a sensitive subject. More than two-thirds of parents aged 5 to 11 are not in favor, according to a poll released Thursday, December 16.

In detail, 68% of them answered to be opposed to it while 47% are very opposed to it, according to this Elabe opinion survey carried out for L’Express, BFMTV and SFR.

In the general population, on the other hand, 51% of those questioned are in favor of the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years against Covid-19 against 48% who are opposed to it, also reveals this survey carried out on the 14th. and December 15 by Internet with a sample of 1000 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

The opening to every 5-11 years appears close this Friday after a favorable opinion from the national consultative ethics committee. “Vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 without comorbidity is ethically acceptable in the current context”, the CCNE said in a notice published on Friday, however, laying down many conditions. These exclude in particular the implementation of any obligation for children, including the implementation of a health pass as is the case for adults and adolescents.

As a reminder, the Academy of Medicine voted in favor of the vaccination of children on November 15, before being followed two weeks later by the scientific council. Its expansion to all young children is expected to begin in January. “If the lights were green, […] we are ready to start on the 20th, but maybe we won’t start until the 22nd or 23rd “, declared Olivier Véran, according to whom everything is already finalized in terms of logistics.

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