Vaccine pass: a fight narrowly avoided in the middle of the hemicycle

Lhe bill on the vaccine pass is decidedly unleashing passions. While the words of Emmanuel Macron in Le Parisien, Tuesday evening January 4, had the effect of a bomb, at the Palais-Bourbon, they added fuel to the fire to an already lively debate. And the spirits have more than heated. So much so that two deputies narrowly came close to coming to grips with just after the meeting on the text was adjourned, reported The HuffPost, Wednesday, January 5. They are the rebellious Alexis Corbière and the walker François Cormier-Bouligeon.

Their exchanges were apparently so violent that the two men had to be separated from each other by several other elected officials present that evening, as well as by bailiffs. The media managed to reach several witnesses of the scene as well as the two deputies concerned. During the meeting, the rebellious benches adjoined those occupied by the elected members of the majority. The tension was palpable, the exchanges erupted. The altercation between Alexis Corbière and François Cormier-Bouligeon took place just after the suspension of the meeting.

Corbière “eyes bloodshot”, Cormier-Bouligeon “in the physical challenge”

The LREM deputy then approached the rebellious camp in order to “protect his colleagues” who ” [subissaient] permanent intimidation ”. For his part, the elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis said, according to statements cited by the media, that the walker “screamed” for the simple purpose of “intimidating” the president of the LFI group Mathilde Panot. Subsequently, François Cormier-Bouligeon assured that his rebellious colleague had “rushed” on him. The exchanges between the two men were confirmed by them at HuffPost. The elected LFI accused his Macronist counterpart of using profuse insults, a “Macron-style strategy”, according to him. “You, shut up, you took the big head! “, Retorted the member of the Cher in particular.

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The tone subsequently rose again and the two men almost physically attacked each other. According to the words of François Cormier-Bouligeon, Alexis Corbière “had bloodshot eyes (…) he was in a total loss of control”. The elected LFI, for its part, said it would “never come to blows.” About his opponent, he hammered that he “was in the physical challenge”. “It is not a glorious episode,” he admitted, however.

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On Twitter, the Macronist deputy ruled that Alexis Corbière had “wanted to transform the hemicycle into an octagon” during these debates on the health bill. “I reject this logic of tension, violence and insult out of respect for the mandate of deputy that our fellow citizens have entrusted to us,” he wrote. At the HuffPost, a deputy testifies, she, of a completely new scene, still a little in shock: “We had to separate them. I said to myself: it is really time we left the hemicycle, because we risk falling into something that is no longer very democratic ”. And to conclude: “I had never seen that. “

READ ALSO“Piss off the unvaccinated”: Emmanuel Macron, the divisive candidate

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