Valentine’s Day horoscope: 5 zodiac signs will be surprised by love this week

Valentine’s Day Horoscope
5 zodiac signs will be surprised by love this week

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Wednesday is Valentine’s Day, the day that lovers, flower shops and jewelers alike look forward to. But the universe could also provide a pink surprise for one or two zodiac signs in the coming days.

The current week, from February 12th. is completely under the influence of the love goddess Venus. Every day she enters into wonderful aspects and gives the Zodiac sign butterflies in the stomach, romance, eroticism and deep feelings. Only on Wednesday, Valentine’s Day, Mars and Pluto could cause discontent and a bad mood. The two put their love to the test. Can it withstand misunderstandings? Are doubts taking over? Are we willing to give or do we just want to take? But that can also be seen as a gift. At least we then clearly feel whether it is worth continuing to invest in this love or whether it is time to let it go. If the former is true, we will grow from this challenge; if the latter is true, the two planets may prevent us from wasting more time. We’ll tell you here which zodiac signs Venus has a lot of tingling and crackling in store for in the coming days.

For which zodiac signs does Venus have a love surprise in store?


Venus will give you heart palpitations and butterflies in the coming days, dear Aries. You may meet someone worth opening your heart to. But check carefully beforehand whether it is the right person or whether you are being blinded by rose-colored glasses. The treasures are mostly hidden, but it’s worth looking for a little. Once you find him or her, love can completely captivate you.


Cancers have a particularly captivating aura this week, and suitors are lining up to steal some of your time. Whether it’s an erotic adventure, a passionate affair or deep love? You have free choice. What does your heart desire?


Venus gives your relationship new life, dear Leo. If your passion has perhaps died down a bit lately because everyday life has taken so much of your time, this could finally change at the end of the week. New impulses are stoking the fire again. A good time to try something exciting and jump over your shadow. It will be worth it!


It can be intense and romantic for Virgos. Even if you’re not the type for pathos and emotional outbursts, this could currently change. You are ready to open your heart and leave the independent single life behind you. Taken virgins can look forward to passionate days – their love life is finally waking up from hibernation.


For Pisces, true love stars shine in the firmament. You venture out of your comfort zone and are open to new things. This courage is rewarded and attracts attractive people who, thanks to Venus, could soon play a very special role in your life. Therefore, it is now important to keep your eyes open.


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