Vampire Survivors: Advanced and legendary weapons, how to get them?

What are advanced or legendary weapons?

In vampire survivors, two types of items can be collected through chests and after leveling up: weapons and upgrades. The weapons will allow you, as you can imagine, to inflict damage, more or less, important to the enemies while the improvements will be there to sublimate these same weapons or simply provide survival bonuses to your character.

Regardless of the type of items, most of them can be upgraded up to eight times, making them even more important as the game progresses. However, it is good to specify that certain combinations of weapons and improvements make it possible to obtain a evolved weapon Where legendary weapon. Of course, the latter will be much more powerful than the basic weapons and will be obligatory to hope to finish the training courses of vampire survivors 100 %.

However, certain conditions must be met to collect the desired advanced weapon. Indeed, the basic weapon must be level 8 and be accompanied by the appropriate improvement. From then on, the next open chest should give you the opportunity to equip yourself with thelegendary weapon long awaited.

The combinations to obtain the legendary weapons

Vampire Survivors Evolved (or Legendary) Weapon Details

Bloody Tear

Bloody Tear

Combination → Whip (level 8) + Hollow Heart

Bloody Tear attacks horizontally while passing through multiple layers of enemies. The weapon can inflict critical hits and absorb hit points from creatures hit. It allows you to gain survivability while being sure to kill the enemies present on your flanks.

Thousand Edge

Thousand Edge

Combination → Knife (level 8) + Bracer

Deals heavy damage in the direction your character is facing. Of course, the blades pierce the enemies. This legendary weapon is quite useful for quickly melting boss hit points, but won’t be the most practical when you’re surrounded by enemies in the late game.

Heaven Sword

Heaven Sword

Combination → Cross (level 8) + Clover

This weapon first hits the nearest enemy before returning in the opposite direction and inflicting significant, potentially critical damage to creatures in its path. Heaven Sword is an interesting choice that will be beneficial in the Inlaid Library stage.

holy wand

holy wand

Combination → Magic Wand (level 8) + Empty Tome

The Holy Wand weapon fires without any delay, dealing heavy damage to enemies. Additionally, Empty Tome, the upgrade needed to evolve the Magic Wand, will be especially useful on all of your other weapons, given that the Tome reduces weapon cooldowns.

Soul Eater

Soul Eater

Combination → Garlic (level 8) + Pummarola

The Soul Eater is a good defensive weapon, since it steals hit points from nearby enemies, while dealing much more damage if you’re recovering hit points. This weapon will be effective in bringing a little more survivability to your characters in difficult situations.



Combination → Fire Wand (level 8) + Spinach

The Hellfire is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, in terms of damage dealt to enemies. However, we will note that the randomness of the fireballs can be penalizing in certain situations. However, she will be a good source of damage and will be able to clear a crowded path. In addition, the necessary upgrade, Spinach, will benefit all of your other weapons since your damage % will be increased.

death spiral

death spiral

Combination → Ax (level 8) + Candelabrador

Very clearly, the Death Spiral is mandatory to hope to finish a level. It allows you to inflict heavy damage in a constant manner, while providing you with significant security given its area of ​​effect, in addition to passing through enemies. The Candelabrador will also be useful for other weapons as the area of ​​effect of your attacks will be increased.

Unholy Vespers

Unholy Vespers

Combination → King Bible (Level 8) + Spell Binder

Without a doubt, the “must have” of Vampire Survivors. Indeed, this weapon will give you one of the best defenses in the game, even if the bosses will have no real trouble getting into your comfort zone. However, it will bring a source of significant damage.



Combination → Peachone (Level 8) + Ebony Wings (Level 8)

Vandalier has one of the highest damage potentials in the game. However, it will be particularly difficult to obtain. Indeed, unlike other legendary weapons, Vandalier will need to see two level 8 weapons, the Peachone (the white bird) and the Ebony Wings (the purplish bird). However, the damage inflicted will be very significant and Vandalier will be able to eradicate all the monsters present around you without any difficulty.

As a reminder, vampire survivors was released on December 17, 2021 on Steam, although its developer had offered many versions before on the project’s page.

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