Vanessa Mai: These are her beauty tips

Vanessa Mai
These are her beauty tips

Vanessa Mai is an integral part of the German music scene.

© imago/POP-EYE

“I do a lot to make sure that I feel good in my body and that I’m healthy,” explains pop star Vanessa Mai in an interview.

Singer Vanessa Mai (29) not only heats up with her voice, the entertainer also regularly causes excitement among her fans on Instagram and TikTok. The 29-year-old always inspires with revealing snapshots and funny dance videos and enjoys the exchange with her followers. She is currently calling for a slightly different challenge in collaboration with Colgate. In an interview, she reveals how much time Mai really puts into her appearance and how she will celebrate her upcoming 30th birthday.

Do you actually do a lot for your appearance?

Vanessa Mai: Phew, difficult question!? I would put it differently. I do a lot to ensure that I feel good in my body and am healthy! That means a conscious diet, sport and exercise, but relaxation phases are also part of it for me. But I’m definitely not a saint who never sins or just hangs out on the couch. Do not worry! (laughs)

What does your daily beauty routine look like?

May: Of course I also have my favorite creams and products that I like to use regularly, but on a day without appointments or public appearances, I don’t have any make-up on at all and I give my skin a break from the “limelight”. But I never leave the house without a sun protection factor and well-groomed teeth.

What beauty tips do you swear by?

May: In any case, drink enough, exercise, … and an old but proven motto is and always will be “everything in moderation!” – although I sometimes have to restrain myself when it comes to chocolate.

Many women envy you for your dream body. How often do you exercise a week and what kind of sport do you like to do?

May: Every body is perfect in its own way and imperfect at the same time. And even people who appear to have a “perfect body” will find areas in themselves that they struggle with. In my view, it is wrong to strive for perfection. It’s about accepting yourself. Then you will be happy too! Of course, health is the top priority. And that includes sports and exercise. I was allowed to develop my own program and am currently quite disciplined and ambitious and do this three to four times a week.

And how disciplined are you when it comes to nutrition?

May: There are such and such days! I’m definitely a bon vivant and I won’t let that take me away. Nevertheless, at the same time I also pay attention to the content and nutrients in the products that I really consume on a daily basis.

An unbelievable 949,000 fans now follow you on Instagram, 1.3 million on TikTok. How important is the exchange with your fans to you?

Mai: Both channels have a different DNA and my communication with the fans is correspondingly different, but they both have one thing in common: I really enjoy communicating with my fans. And it’s also great for me as an artist that I can see and feel what the fans like and what doesn’t.

You are currently calling for a slightly different challenge on your profile, what is behind it?

Mai: I’m up for (almost) everyone to have fun. That’s why I’m also part of the #ColgateFrischeKick Challenge. And it’s really not easy! In the challenge, the filled cap of the mouthwash bottle must be clamped between the lips. The lid only has to be turned with the lips and tongue so that the liquid runs into the mouth – and then rinse with it. It definitely took me a few tries before it worked. In this course there will also be a cool ice bathing challenge!

Your 30th birthday is approaching in a few weeks. How will you celebrate this day?

May: I don’t know yet. There are a few ideas, but what we actually pull off of them – let’s see. Because as the saying goes: First, it turns out differently and second, than you think!

Struggling with the 3 in front?

May: For God’s sake – no! Every age is special and I lived my “20s” pretty well and had a lot of fun. Now I’m so looking forward to the next chapter. To be honest, I’m pretty comfortable with it.


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