Vanguard: a pay-to-win pack wreaks havoc

The enthusiasm of Call of Duty: Vanguard players for the arrival of an Attack on Titan pack quickly died down when more and more people claimed that it was pay-to-win.

Since the release of Vanguard last November, the developers have not skimped on the deployment of new content, whether new weapons, new cosmetics or new game modes, in order to continue to brighten up the daily lives of players. .

After weeks of rumors of all kinds, Vanguard players have finally been able to get their hands on an Attack on Titan pack, which has been in the news for some time. Where the rub is that it seems to be pay-to-win.


The Vanguard Attack on Titan Bundle

Indeed, more and more players have noticed that the finisher allows them to play like Neo in the Matrix and dodge the bullets, a significant advantage.

Vanguard Players Say Attack On Titan Bundle Is Pay-to-Win

On Warzone as on Vanguard, it is not uncommon for cosmetic elements to cause problems, bringing unfair advantages. Recently, the new Attack on Titans pack has been in the players’ sights.

A player recently shed some light on the issue on Reddit. In the clip he shared, we see the player dodging enemy balls with disconcerting ease thanks to the finisher in the pack.

The player eventually succumbed, but this advantage allowed him to gain enough time to complete the execution, which is far from the case when equipped with the basic finisher.

While some players took it humorously, stating that “looks really cool”most were furious to see a new issue added to the long list of what’s currently wrong with Vanguard.

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