Vanguard: Sledgehammer Games Explains How To Counter Fire

It was during the night of January 7 to 8 that Sledgehammer Games gave more details on one of the highlights of their upcoming updates: the fire in Call of Duty Vanguard.

Thus, the studio explained in a thread everything it was putting in place so that this element is no longer polluting in the parts of its FPS. For several weeks, and especially since the introduction of the incendiary grenade via season 1, fire has indeed become a more than annoying element, due to its propagation and its fairly large radius, but also because of its lifespan which is quite long.

Sledgehammer Games details plan to counter fire in Vanguard

Earlier this week, the studio had already communicated on the fact that it was going to work on this point, but not only. On Twitter, he therefore explained that players will benefit from new ways of defeating fire via Fortified and Intrepid.

According to him, Fortified will significantly reduce fire damage, including the so-called “ initials With the Molotov cocktail. In addition, Intrepid will benefit from immunity when moving through the flames. However, it will not protect against the initial impact, such as with damage from Flamenaut.

Afterwards, Sledgehammer Games admits incendiary grenade, available since December 9 in Call of Duty Vanguard, was not really suitable for small size maps because of its range. He therefore hopes that the first changes will have a ” positive impact on use Of these. A little later, the developers will reduce the area affected by the smoke but also the flames of the grenades.

At this time, no indication of when the first update of the year will be rolled out, but it would be soon.

This first week of January is a bit busy when it comes to updates for Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific, and that’s a pretty good thing. On January 7, the Battle Royale hosted its second update in January with the program, the nerve of the double pump.

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