Vegetarian cuisine: vegetarian recipes for children

Vegetarian nutrition has to be varied

Admittedly, feeding your child a vegetarian diet is no easy task. After all, the child needs the nutrients necessary for its growth – and they must be available in sufficient quantities. So the vegetarian kitchen with kids only works if it is versatile and contains nutrient-rich foods.

Healthy, vegetarian diet for children

Many experts today agree that a vegetarian diet for children is quite possible – as long as the child does not mutate into a "pudding vegetarian". This means that it only consumes white bread, sweets and other low-nutrient foods. Instead, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains should be on the menu to ensure all nutrients.

This way children get enough nutrients

Children need lots of iron, vitamins, proteins, zinc and other nutrients. In order to compensate for the lack of meat, it is important that the parents rely on a balanced, vitamin-rich diet.

The best way to counter the lack of proteins is with dairy products and eggs. Regular consumption of oats and millet in the form of muesli and bread, as well as legumes and vegetables, such as spinach, fennel and zucchini, protect the child from iron deficiency. So that these nutrients can be better used, they should best be taken with vitamin C (orange juice, peppers, apples). Dairy products, on the other hand, inhibit the absorption of iron.

In general, versatile combinations when eating are very important when children are getting vegetarian food. Nutrition experts recommend that meals are composed of one third animal and two thirds vegetable protein.

With us you will find many more vegetarian recipes.