Verena Altenberger – bald head remains – first lover with a stubble hairstyle

Verena Altenberger recently had to shave off her hair for a film role. Now the self-confessed feminist also wants to play the role of lover at the Salzburg Festival with a bald head instead of a wig. She got the okay from “Jedermann” director Michael Sturminger.

Until a few days ago, Verena Altenberger (33) from Salzburg played the role of a cancer patient while filming and had her bald head shaved for it. Now the loss of head of hair is likely to have repercussions on her appearance at the Salzburg Festival. In an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Altenberger revealed that she was in agreement with “Jedermann” director Sturminger that she would be the first actress in history to be stubble.

Of course, you can also work with a wig in the theater, explains the actress, but the hairstyle doesn’t really matter. “Today the role can no longer be defined by what is growing on the head. The first woe without a whale mane would mean more to me than being the first Salzburg woman in this role. That would have a meaning for me, “says the self-confessed feminist Altenberger, who will celebrate her festival premiere in” Jedermann “on July 17th.