“Very soon”: Vincent (Love is in the meadow) and his partner Justine announce great news

Things are accelerating in the couple formed by Justine and Vincent, candidate for the sixteenth season of Love is in the meadow. This Thursday, December 23, the protégé of Karine Le Marchand announced great news on his social networks.

Each year, candidates from Love is in the meadow stand out. In this 2021 edition, in addition to Hervé – who had never tasted the pleasures of the flesh before Stéphanie -, it is above all Vincent Le Provençal who has been talked about. As soon as the portrait was released, he let Karine Le Marchand know that he wanted to meet a woman younger than him, aged in her thirties. Thus, after the speed-dating, he had chosen to bring two lovely suitors to the farm: Hafsa, aged 34, and Natacha, aged 26. After several days spent together, the horse trainer had finally opted for the second.

But their romance did not last very long. Invited in turn to visit his contender, Vincent quickly realized that their romance was not going to last long. Quite brutally, he had thus decided to go home after breakfast.

Vincent and Justine move up a gear

When it came time to take stock, viewers expected to find Vincent Le Provençal single. However, it is on the arm of a beautiful brunette named Justine that the farmer presented himself to Karine Le Marchand. He explained that he had met the latter on social networks, where she sent him a message. After drinking coffee and spending a weekend together, they had never left each other. Moreover, the two lovebirds have decided to move up a gear!

While they have lived separately until now, Vincent and Justine have decided to settle under the same roof. It was during a question and answer session organized on his Instagram page that the farmer revealed the information. When internet users asked him if his partner was already living with him in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the interested party replied: “Very soon.“Proof that this is a stronger relationship than some imagined!


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