Vestel Wallbox Home Plus: charging station for electric vehicles on offer at Media Markt


At Media Markt you can currently get the Vestel Wallbox Home Plus at a discount. Our price check shows whether the deal is worth it.

If you drive an electric car, you need a suitable charging station, also known as a wall box. These are usually not cheap. But at Media Markt you can currently get the Vestel Wallbox Home Plus on offer. The deal in detail:

  • 22 kilowatt charging power

  • 5 meter charging cable pre-assembled

  • RFID function

You can currently get the Wallbox Home Plus from Vestel at Media Markt for 399 euros. With the discount you get the current low price. With other providers you have to pay more for the charging station. Here you can only get them from 450 euros.

Deal Tip:

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What can you expect from the Vestel Wallbox?

With the Vestel Wallbox Home Plus you get a charging station for your electric vehicles. The charging capacity of the wall box is 22 kilowatts. There is also a 5 meter pre-assembled charging cable, which can be used for charging.

You also have the option of controlling the charging process via an app and thus, for example, taking advantage of cheap night-time electricity prices. The activation of charging processes is controlled via the use of RFID cards. In this way you can protect your Wallbox from possible unauthorized access.

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