Vetheo in the retro, another French 1st in the Challenger EUW ladder

Photo: LoL Esports

At the time of writing these lines, there are exactly 61 players classified Challenger on the EUW server. This honorary ranking makes more than one dream and allows flex in society, it must be said that only the best players in the world manage to achieve ranking. In addition to having a lot of skill and an outstanding League of Legends IQ, it is also necessary to have a steel mind to resist the madness of soloQ…

Among the 61 players who form the elite of the game, there are many professional players. To name a few, we can mention GO Vizicsacsi (58th), PCS Evaan (51st) the Div 2 player or even BIG Keduii (20th). For a time the French Vetheo had the crown of number 1, but he was overtaken by another tricolor who wears the colors of Team Vitality!

Skeanz to shine the LFL and Team Vitality

Vetheo is still well ranked and with 937 points it remains at bay. The gaps are minimal and they have been pulling themselves together since the start of the classified season with Skeanz, the jungler of Vitality.Bee. The latter currently has a very small margin with 949 points. His winrate is slightly higher (64% against 60%) but he must be very careful not to be passed over again!

While Team Vitality is currently struggling in the LEC, its academic team shines in the LFL (2-0). The little bees negotiated the recovery very well and Skeanz seems sharp as ever. We will not go so far as to say that it is better than Self made, the holder of team one, because everyone knows soloQ is a world apart with its own logic. However, we would like to see the Frenchman in the European elite again. His last run was more promising and he deserves another chance.


This year, the French of the LEC lost their lead because Hans Sama unfortunately flew to the NA… However, several tricolors are still present and hope to shine. We will follow their evolution week after week by distributing the good points.

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