VIDEO – “He knows how to look at women”: Marine Delterme makes small revelations about Francis Huster

Marine Delterme was on Laurent Ruquier’s set on Sunday January 9, and found herself facing Francis Huster. The two artists, who have shared a film in the past, were full of praise for each other …

Few know it, but Marine Delterme shared a movie with Francis Huster. “The real culprit”, a thriller TV movie written and directed by the latter, was released in 2007. The two actors therefore already know each other, and made it known on the set of “Children of TV” on France 2, Sunday January 9. “Everyone knows each other a bit on this set, it must be said”, introduces Laurent Ruquier, while Marine Delterme and Francis Huster are already exchanging knowing smiles. “I do not introduce you to each other” outbid the cheerful presenter. “We made a film together, ‘The real culprit’”, confirms the 74-year-old director. “Yes, he directed me in a movie” adds Marine Delterme. “A great director of actors. And he knows how to look at women ”, liked the 51-year-old actress in front of everyone, about Francis Huster.

A compliment instantly laughed at by Laurent Ruquier. This then takes the opportunity to reveal archives on Marine Delterme, dating from her early career on television, where we see her in her twenties, performing in a “Scandale” lingerie ad.

©“The real culprit” (2007), thriller TV movie starring Francis Huster and Marine Delterme.

Marine Delterme is in the thriller series “Manipulations”

The interpreter of “Alice Nevers” was on the set of “Children of TV” to present her new thriller series “Manipulations”, which will be broadcast for the first time on France 2 this Monday, January 10. Marine Delterme forms a passionate and sulphurous couple there, on screen, with Marc Ruchmann, known for playing in the Netflix series “Plan Cœur”. She embodies in “Manipulations” the character of Maud, a businesswoman under the influence of her companion, described as a narcissistic pervert.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

Photo credits: Children of TV, screenshot

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