VIDEO “I am very happy”: Gad Elmaleh delighted with the announcements of Jean Castex and Olivier Véran

Thursday January 20, Olivier Véran and Jean Castex presented the schedule for easing health restrictions. Calendar with which Gad Elmaleh was satisfied, rejoicing in particular in the lifting of the gauges in the theaters.

They gave a date: Wednesday, February 16. Thursday January 20, Olivier Véran and Jean Castex presented the schedule for easing health restrictions. The Minister of Health and the Prime Minister notably announced that from mid-February, several measures would be lifted. Among them, the end of the gauges put in place in places open to the public, such as performance halls and stadiums, as well as the end of the ban on standing concerts. The wearing of the mask indoors will however always be in force, even if the consumption of drinks (or popcorn at the cinema) will be authorized. The nightclubs, closed since Friday December 10, will also be able to reopen on Wednesday February 16. Announcements that have delighted the world of entertainment and artists. Asked by BFMTV, Gad Elmaleh, in particular, said he was satisfied with the announcements of Olivier Véran and Jean Castex.

Gad Elmaleh: “I’m very happy tonight”

The Prime Minister has just announced good news for artistssaid Gad Elmaleh, about the lifting of the gauges, adding: “You have to know how to recognize it when it’s good news, since we will be able to produce in theaters with more than two thousand seats. I think they are doing very well and I think it’s a wise decision. “

And he didn’t criticize the placement of the gauges in the first place, on the contrary: I understood the precautionhe said, adding that he appreciated that the entertainment world will (soon) no longer be affected by sanitary measures. “People fly, people eat in restaurants, so with a mask in a theater, there is no problem”said the comedian, back with a sixth show called Moreoverbefore concluding : I am very happy tonight. Very happy for me, for my team.”

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