VIDEO – Patrick Timsit talks about the new generation of comedians: “I have a tenderness for Blanche Gardin”

He has toured the French stages for several decades, providing performance after performance, through the various comedy shows he has presented. Patrick Timsit, French actor and humorist, was a guest on Europe 1 on April 20. At the microphone of the famous radio station, he confided what he thought of the generation of comedians who took over from him, as well as that of the actors of his generation.

After conceding that he had a corrosive, even ferocious sense of humor, Patrick Timsit admitted: “I will have a tenderness for Blanche Gardin. A lot. When I go to my comedy clubs, I see. There is this offbeat tone, which dares to approach subjects. But not just anyhow.” He then clarified “That touches me. It suits me. When there is substance. I like substance, I like social. I like it when it’s disturbing, but it’s disturbing for good things, good causes.”

A career as a comedian

On November 12, the 64-year-old actor announced to Provence that he was putting an end to his career as a comedian. “The last of the last before it’s late. There’s no scam!”, he declared. The actor wrote his first one-man show in the early 1980s. His last show, Goodbye, perhaps, thank you, that’s for sure, was scheduled for Aix-en-Provence on November 21. The artist, however, clarified that he would continue to act in films and write screenplays.

To bid farewell to the stage, he published the following promotional text: “Rather than leaving my audience by SMS, I prefer to do it with a show. Initially, I thought of making a best of my sketches, thinking that my audience would be happy to hear them, and I would be delighted to perform them . Then, I said to myself that we would have to do two or three little things… And it gave a new show.”reported Midi-Free.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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