Video. “Piss off” the unvaccinated: Emmanuel Macron “fully assumes” his words

The President of the Republic assured this Friday that it was his responsibility to “sound the alarm”

Emmanuel Macron assumes. After his controversial remarks affirming that he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated, the President of the Republic reacted on Friday during a press conference for the launch of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union. “To be a citizen is to have rights and duties, and these are first and foremost duties. The concept of freedom […] stops where the freedom of the other is hampered, where the life of the other can be in danger, ”commented Emmanuel Macron.

“Sound the alarm”

“It was my responsibility to sound the alarm […] We can be moved by forms of expression that may seem familiar, that I fully assume. Me, I am moved by the situation in which we are. The real divide of the country is there, ”he continued.

Regarding the vaccination pass, the president explained that “it is a completely European movement, which places restrictions on people who are not vaccinated”. “We are forced to do it to encourage each other to do it […] Some people make compulsory vaccination above a certain age, but most countries put constraints on social life by saying ‘if you are not vaccinated, you do not have access to this place’, justified Emmanuel Macron.

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