Video: Policeman saves baby from suffocation at the last second

Choking baby
Policeman saves baby's life at the last second

When a baby cannot breathe, this grip can save lives


Last-minute rescue – in the United States, a police officer saved a baby from suffocating with the right rescue handle just in time.

These images are hard to bear: a helpless baby gasping for air, surrounded by his family, who can only watch with a mixture of panic and helplessness what is happening before their eyes. Fortunately, the alerted police officer on site acts without hesitation and can save the child's life at the last second

Choking baby: this grip saves lives

© daniel vian / Shutterstock

If something gets stuck in a baby's windpipe, adults often do not know how to help the child – because they are too young and could be seriously injured for the Heimlich maneuver, in which the airways are freed by strong pressure impulses on the abdominal wall become. It is therefore correct to place the baby on the forearm and free the airways with pressure impulses on the shoulders. In the video you can see on the original recordings of the police camera how a human life could be saved just in time.