Video: six red flags that your partner is controlling you

Six red flags that your partner is trying to control you

Controlling behavior of the partner not only stresses the relationship, but above all you.


In a relationship there can be disagreements or arguments, this is completely normal. But controlling behaviors not only limit the partner enormously, but are also an alarm signal for a toxic relationship.

Many people are initially happy in their relationship without realizing that their partner is controlling them. No wonder, because according to author Donna Anderson, control freaks only show their true colors after a while. In the beginning they are very caring and accommodating. They are only slowly starting to criticize every little thing about their partner.

Control obligation: six warning signs

If your supposed better half criticizes or disapproves of all your actions and repeatedly asserts that they only want your best, this is manipulative and a classic indicator for controlling people. You can find out which behaviors are specific for controlling partners in the video.

Source used:Own research,
