Video: Stefanie Giesinger: She shows her "lady beard" on Instagram

Stefanie Giesinger
Courageous close-up of her "lady's beard"

Stefanie Giesinger wants to set an example with the photo.


Stefanie Giesinger demonstrates again that "perfection" is just a question of attitude: on Instagram, she shows how much hair she has on her upper lip.

Stefanie Giesinger is fed up with running after completely outdated ideals of beauty and perfection. After the former winner of "Germany's next top model" already showed that she naturally also has cellulite in her mid-twenties, she is now tackling the next "problem area": ​​on Instagram, she openly showed that she has a "woman's beard" on her upper lip.

"We have to normalize that!"

Giesinger is of course aware that, as a model and influencer, she corresponds to the common ideal of beauty for women despite a "beard" – but that is exactly what the photo is about: If even the supposedly flawless people on Instagram have hair on their upper lip, they have to really nobody feel bad about it. A nice reminder that body positivity and self-love are much more important than the question of where on the body we have hair.
