Video: telecommuting with children …

/ Mom / Child / This mother was interrupted 27 times by her children in 11 minutes of telecommuting (and she recorded everything)

A mother from the United States decided to film herself for a while from telecommuting. In the space of 11 minutes, his children managed to interrupt him 27 times.

Working from home and having children is not always compatible. Genevieve Shawn Brown, a journalist with Good Morning America (United States) and mother, understood this. To show how much her brats never give her a minute's respite, she had the brilliance of filming herself for 11 minutes of telecommuting. 11 short minutes only, where she was interrupted by her offspring no less than … 27 times! It must be said that after the first six minutes, his three children – one of whom needs special attention – had already asked him 11 questions.

Her video, published on the Facebook page of the media where she works, amused internet users a lot. It must be said that many parents also found themselves in this situation during confinement. According to an English study, conducted by the Department of Education at the University of London and by the Institute for Tax Studies, mothers could only work 2.6 hours a day without being interrupted! Even though fathers could work for just over 5 hours without having to answer their children's (sometimes far-fetched) questions. These results further demonstrate the lack of task sharing in the homes.

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