Video: This is why you should keep socks on in bed

Sleeping tips
That's why you should wear socks in bed

Many love to wear cozy socks in bed, while for others it is an absolute no-no.


Opinions are divided: keep your socks on in bed or take them off? A doctor has a pretty convincing answer to that, which you can find out in the video.

It is a recurring argument for many couples: keep socks on in bed or not? An English doctor has now taken up the subject in a TikTok video and explains why it makes sense to wear your favorite cozy socks in bed.

That's why you'd better keep your socks on in bed

So if you ever run out of arguments why you don't want to sleep without socks, you can find out the medical background in the video – which will probably also convince your partner.

Source used: RTL
