VIDEO – United States: the queen of barter bought a house with… a pin

It all started on social media with a simple hairpin. The idea is certainly simple, but brilliant: to exchange items for others. In return for her pin, she will receive earrings that she will exchange for glasses of champagne then for a vacuum cleaner, designer shoes, etc.

It will take him 18 months of exchange to find strategic objects, crossing the United States up and down to exchange a camera for a computer, thus gaining in value, little by little. “You don’t swap objects that look the same. If I give you a smartphone, I have to exchange it for an old bike, for example … something so different that it’s hard to know which one has the most. valuable”, explains this San Francisco resident in video in the TF1 20H video at the top of this article.

Demi will transform this bike into a promotional tool that will allow him to win the hearts of Americans, many of whom are helping him by offering him increasingly flashy objects. “I needed to prove that it was possible to do it. To have a dream, to start from nothing and come up with something so big, incredible.”, continues Demi.

His notoriety will allow him to access luxury items, from a Ford Mustang to a mobile home. After some renovations and 27 free exchanges, she managed to afford a home in Tennessee. Demi will be moving in a few weeks with her lover.

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