Villach as the host – representatives from all over Austria come to Carinthia

villach meeting of the city union planned. This is due to take place in the Drau city in 2022. Hundreds of participants are expected.

256 cities and larger municipalities are united in the city union. Around 65 percent of the population and 75 percent of jobs are in Austria’s metropolitan areas. Vienna’s city chief Michael Ludwig is the president of this important body. The Covid measures have meant that the municipalities are now generating significantly less income from local taxes and tourism. The municipal leaders are demanding that the government compensate for the loss of income. The next City Day will take place in Carinthia, and Villach will be the host from June 1st to 3rd. The Drau city was already planned as the venue in 2020, but the event was canceled due to Corona. That will be made up for in 2020. “We are assuming at least 2000 overnight stays. The City Council has many specialist groups that take decisions. It’s going to be a big event, ”says Wolfgang Kofler from the city of Villach.
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