Vitura: a modified shareholders’ agreement – 12/28/2021 at 1:48 p.m.

( – The AMF was informed of the conclusion by the Northwood and Euro Bernini Private Limited concert, on December 17, of an amendment to the non-concerted shareholders’ agreement relating to the property company Vitura (formerly Cegereal) concluded on April 6, 2016.

Under the terms of this amendment, it is planned to keep – until the end of the agreement – a two-thirds majority on the board of directors of Vitura with regard to the adoption of certain decisions.

The pact concluded on April 6, 2016 provided for a return, after a certain time, to a simple majority. The duration of the shareholders’ agreement – initially scheduled until December 31, 2025 – is also extended until December 31, 2031.

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