Vladimir Putin praises Russian weapons that prove themselves “in real conditions”

Vladimir Putin promotes Russian weapons used “in real conditions”

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday touted Russian-made weapons to his foreign allies, saying they had proven themselves on the battlefield amid military intervention in Ukraine.

“We are ready to offer our allies and partners the most modern types of weapons, from infantry weapons to armored vehicles, including artillery, combat aviation and drones”Mr. Putin said. ” Around the world, [ces armes] are appreciated by professionals for their reliability, quality and, above all, for their high efficiency. Almost all of them have been used time and time again in real combat conditions.he continued.

The head of the Kremlin was speaking on the first day of an International Arms Fair held for a week in Kubinka, in the Moscow region, where around 1,500 participants are expected.

Vladimir Putin assured that Russia had “many allies”referring in particular to “bonds of trust” in Latin America, Asia and Africa. “These are states that do not flinch before an alleged hegemony. Their leaders show a real manly character., he pointed out. According to him, the training of foreign soldiers in Russia also offers “great prospects”. “Thousands of military professionals are proud to call our military schools and academies their alma mater”assured Mr. Putin.

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