Waga Energy: obtains a European grant of 2.4 ME

(CercleFinance.com) – Waga Energy announces that it has obtained a European grant of 2.4 million euros as part of the Innovation Fund – Small Scale mechanism.

The objective of the Innovation Fund is to promote the marketing of innovative low-carbon technologies.

This sum will be used to co-finance the first WAGABOX (R) unit deployed internationally, under construction in Spain.

‘Waga Energy produces biomethane, a renewable substitute for fossil natural gas, thanks to its innovative WAGABOX (R) purification technology, making it possible to recover the methane emitted by waste storage sites’ indicates the group.

‘We will be able to capture even more methane from waste, and produce more biomethane to replace fossil fuels: this subsidy will thus contribute doubly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions’, explains Mathieu Lefebvre, CEO and co-founder of Waga. Energy.

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