Wanting to have children: five signs you are ready to have a child

Does it even exist, the perfect time for pregnancy? Generations of women keep asking this question anew. But how do you find out if you are actually ready for a child? These five signs could speak for it:

1. You have arrived

Not only your partner, but also your job and your entire private environment give you the feeling that you have finally reached where you always wanted to be? Congratulation! This situation can give you the tailwind you need to fundamentally change your life again. The decision to have a child takes a lot of courage. But taking this step now means more joy than fear for you. What if that's not even a sign?

2. You long for shared responsibility

Do you go through thick and thin with your partner, share the same sense of humor and only feel perfect around them? But still something is missing? This could indicate that you are ready for more joint responsibility. For you, children are part of life – you've been in agreement on that for a long time. So what are you waiting for?

3. You finally want to have a say

Is everything in your circle of friends currently about pregnancy and upbringing? The city is teeming with baby bellies? How wonderful, you think, and feel a touch of envy rise up in you. Would you like to shop baby clothes and be the center of attention with your ball belly – if that's not even a wink with the fence post?

4. nieces and nephews are no longer enough for you

You used to enjoy having your sister's children to visit and then giving them away again? Now you would like to have her around you around the clock. A child simply brings so much life into the four walls and lets you rediscover yourself from completely new sides – so why not your own?

5. Listen to your heart

There would certainly be many more signs of how ready you are for a child. Are you still unsure? Then only one thing remains: Listen to your heart!

This article originally appeared on Eltern.de.

Mareike Lenz