War in Ukraine: Bakhmut is “virtually surrounded”, according to Wagner

According to the head of the paramilitary group, Russian forces are preparing to take possession of this epicenter of the fighting, located in the east of the country.

By QM with AFP

The city of Bakhmout, located in the east of the country, could be won by Russian forces in the coming hours. (illustrative image)
© Adrien Vautier / Le Pictorium / MAXPPP / Le Pictorium/Maxppp

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Un turning into the war in Ukraine? The city of Bakhmout, the epicenter of the fighting in the east of the country, is “virtually surrounded” by Russian forces, the boss of the paramilitary group Wagner said on Friday March 3.

“Wagner’s units have practically surrounded Bakhmout, there is only one road left” to get out, Yevgueni Prigojine said in a video posted on Telegram by his press service. Yevgeny Prigojine, whose men are on the front line in this battle, has called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to order Ukrainian troops to withdraw from the city, now largely destroyed and where both sides have suffered heavy losses. .

“If before we faced a professional Ukrainian army, which fought against us, today we see more and more old people and children. They are fighting, but their life in Bakhmout is short, a day or two,” Evgueni Prigojine said. “Give them a chance to leave the city, it is practically surrounded,” he added.

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An “extremely tense” situation

The video then shows three people, an elderly man and two young people, asking in front of the camera Volodymyr Zelensky to allow them to leave. Despite a strategic importance disputed by experts, Bakhmout has become a symbol of the struggle for control of the industrial region of Donbass.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who went there in December, had sworn to defend this fortress city “as long as possible”. The Ukrainian military command had admitted on Tuesday an “extremely tense” situation there in the face of the Russian assaults.

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Russian forces have advanced in recent weeks north and south of Bakhmut, cutting off three of Ukraine’s four supply routes to the city. The only exit route left was the one leading further west towards Chassiv Iar, to the south of which the Russians were also trying to advance.

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