War in Ukraine: Germany bets on gas supplies from Qatar

The German Minister of Economy has established a partnership with the emirate to get out of its Russian dependence.


The project had been vegetating for seven years. Suddenly, everything has to go very quickly: the German government will “acceleratethe construction of two liquefied natural gas terminals on its coast, the Federal Ministry for the Economy and Climate confirmed on Monday. The new infrastructure should make it possible to transport LNG (liquefied natural gas, transported by ship) from Qatar to German territory. “It was firmly agreed to establish a long-term energy partnershipSatisfied Minister Robert Habeck on Sunday, after his meeting with the Emir of Qatar.

His visit to Doha, in the company of around twenty German bosses, is a small event in itself: the last visit of a representative of the German State to Qatar dates back to 2017. Since then, no one wanted to show themselves alongside of Sheikh Tamim Ben Hamad al-Thani. His authoritarian regime, which supports Islamist groups, does not have a good reputation in Berlin.

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