Warzone bug makes players invisible again

Since the launch of Caldera, the list of bugs on Warzone continues to grow. The latest, and probably one of the most devastating, is causing players to disappear completely.

To the chagrin of players, bugs have become commonplace in Warzone since the launch of Season 1. While some are insignificant, unfortunately a large number of them ruin the battle royale.

Of course, since they made the decision to postpone the launch of Season 2 of Warzone, the developers have multiplied the fixes, but given the mountain of bugs that there are to fix, the ten fixes made each update may seem trivial.


This isn’t the first time invisible enemies have wreaked havoc on Warzone.

Especially since these influxes of new content tend to come with new bugs. Recently, players reported another devastating bug that is ruining games. Indeed, it seems that players completely disappear in certain places when they are targeted.

Players become invisible again on Warzone

The bug was brought to light by a player on Reddit. In the clip we can see the player spotting an opponent in the distance except that when he aims to try to shoot him down, the opposing player mysteriously disappears.

However, although they can no longer be seen, they have not completely disappeared, they can still be shot at haphazardly. As if that weren’t enough, parts of the environment also seem to disappear in the same way.

Several players have spoken out in the comments, saying they faced similar issues on both console and PC.

“I have this problem every game, multiple times per game, and I’ve lost so many fights because of it”said a player. “This game is pretty unplayable.”

Players have noted that the issue seems to occur in specific locations, most likely around POIs such as Village, Mines, or the Beach.

There is no doubt that this is a major bug that is costing players dearly. It only remains to hope that it will be part of the bugs that will be fixed in the next patch.

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