Warzone cheats shoot you down from the depths

Warzone Pacific is once again under threat, this time from players exploiting the legendary exploit “under the map” from Call of Duty, which made an unwanted comeback.

Call of Duty: Warzone has unfortunately had to deal with a recurring case of maps having exploitable holes allowing players to sneak under the ground and abuse these out of bounds locations. Verdansk has had this issue over its many seasons, and Caldera has had its own issues operating different POIs.

The last few weeks have been relatively calm at this level. Indeed few reports of this bug have appeared. However, it looks like this exploit is once again spoiling the experience on Caldera.


Cheating in Warzone is not a recent phenomenon.

Cheaters sink into Warzone

If you’re not sure what this exploit is about, be aware that the map may have textures that look normal, but you can walk through. This allows you to go under bounds, see other players and shoot them.

Reddit user jmophoto alerted with a simple warning message: “I regret to inform you all that under-the-map achievements are back.”

In an attached video, the player runs into the bunker, and seconds later is mercilessly taken down by an unseen force.

In the Killcam, the opponent was clearly located somewhere below the map. Yet he was able to shoot the player without any repercussions.

The comments on the video were all pretty similar, with one person saying: “Is anyone really surprised?” and another commenting: “Haha, always the same with this game”.

As with all of these bugs, once they gain some exposure, we expect Raven to fix it and prevent players from exploiting the area.

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