Warzone may never get Slider FOV on console

Console Warzone players might not want to hold their breath waiting for an FOV slider to arrive on consoles. Prominent Call of Duty insiders have claimed that just isn’t “possible.”

The most glaring difference between graphics performance on console and PC in Warzone is the FOV slider. Indeed, with more information on screen at any one time, PC gamers have a significant advantage over console gamers.

Although fans have been begging the devs for years, there hasn’t been an update. Even though top Warzone streamers like Swagg are demanding a change, Activision hasn’t budged an eye.

While many are hoping that a console FOV slider will one day arrive, the odds of it tonight are dwindling. Indeed, new claims indicate that there are no plans to do so due to “hardware limitations”.


Console players have been asking for an FOV slider on Warzone since launch.

No FOV slider for Warzone 1?

Hot on the heels of Warzone 2’s announcement, speculation began as to what improvements the sequel might bring. Supposed to be a “entirely new game for better hardware”Tom Henderson previously reported that the sequel is only aimed at current-gen systems.

It is thanks to this leap forward that the developers can finally offer an FOV slider, as claimed “TheMW2Ghost” during a recent livestream.

But for those on Xbox One or PlayStation 4, you better not expect the same treatment. Previous generation hardware “won’t have an FOV slider because it’s technically impossible”Henderson said.

“To maintain good resolution, an FOV slider would sacrifice graphics”, Ghost continued. Consoles launched in 2013 cannot have a stable performance on Warzone with an added FOV slider, they explained.

Warzone Pacific

This obviously impacts console players in an unjustified way.

A number of employees would have “refused to do a Warzone 2”, adds Henderson. He thinks this is due to “problems with engine and hardware limitations”.

While we can expect a console FOV slider to finally arrive with Warzone 2. It looks like Warzone 1 will be forever left out of this feature.

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