Warzone players are split over Snipers

Warzone players are divided on the best sniper rifle in battle royale as the meta upheavals in Season 3 continue to impact Caldera weapons.

Ever since Warzone launched in the spring of 2020, sniper rifles have almost always shined. As a result, the majority of players have equipped themselves with a sniper to be able to shoot down enemies in Verdansk, Caldera or Rebirth Island.

However, Season 3 brought the biggest changes to sniper rifles in Warzone history, significantly weakening the Kar98k and Swiss K31.

As a result, slower, but more powerful snipers like the HDR and ZRG 20mm have grown in popularity, but even as Warzone Pacific Season 4 approaches, fans are divided over them.


Snipers aren’t what they used to be in Warzone.

One player requested sniper adjustments ASAP, commenting that: “Since the one shot ability with a head at any distance was removed from the Swiss k31 and HDR was heavily nerfed, I think it’s time to move on…now the game is just boring with the same old ARs.”

Another said the 20mm ZRG is now the dominant sniper rifle in the game, but many players have responded to say they prefer HDR even after it received nerfs in Season 3.

WZRanked lists the most used weapons in the battle royale, and according to their latest data, the HDR is the most popular sniper in the game. That doesn’t mean it’s the best, though.

A third player said the nerfs made them get creative with their sniper classes, creating unique styles and “not meta” who do not use sniper scopes and other sighting accessories.

With the situation of snipers undoubtedly being ambiguous in Warzone Season 3, we’ll have to see what changes Season 4 brings and what impact they’ll have on this long-popular weapon class.

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