Warzone Season 3 Changes Double XP System

Warzone Season 3 is packed full of major quality of life improvements for Call of Duty fans. One of the biggest updates sees Double XP Tokens become available to use during games.

Raven Software and the teams behind the battle royale game Warzone have been working hard to improve it.

The next change on the list that will make life easier for players will be Double XP Tokens. Raven now allowing players to activate them during matches, rather than having to wait for the pre-match lobby.


Double XP in Warzone is a great way to quickly level up your weapons.

During an interview with CharlieIntel ahead of Season 3, Ted Timmins, Raven’s Senior Creative Director, said that this change was one of his favorites in this patch and talked about how helpful it would be for players to Warzone.

“You can now use Double XP tokens from the game menu”, did he declare. “Have you ever felt like you were in a game and wondered why I didn’t equip a Double XP token?


Thanks to this patch, tokens will be even more valuable!

Thankfully, that feeling will cease to exist from now on, with players being able to open their pause menu and equip it whenever they want. Do you have an extraordinary game with a lot of kills? Make the most of it by enabling the Double XP option and secure XP for your Season 3 Battle Pass and new weapons as fast as possible.

Even though it’s not a major addition to the game like Godzilla and King Kong, changes like this can instantly improve the game and make the experience much smoother and more enjoyable.

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