Was it arson? – Billa branch in Breitenfurt near Vienna in full fire

Five fire brigades were deployed on Wednesday night to fight a fire in a Billa branch in Breitenfurt near Vienna (Mödling district). Because the building was fully ablaze, the alarm level had to be raised. How the fire started is still under investigation.

Local helpers reported on Facebook that the flames were quickly brought under control using two turntable ladders and several pipes, both externally and partially internally, using heavy respiratory protection. The follow-up extinguishing work would “continue well into the present day.” The alarm level had to be increased The FF Breitenfurt was alerted at midnight to a fire in the commercial area of ​​the market town. When the first helpers arrived, the branch was fully ablaze and the operations manager immediately raised the alarm level. The FF Laab im Walde, Perchtoldsdorf, Kaltenleutbaren and Brunn am Gebirge were also alerted. What caused the fire is still uncertain and is the subject of investigations. The Mödling district command reported difficult conditions during the operation due to the low temperatures of minus eight degrees.
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