watch out for children's food

Fruits, vegetables, proteins … In this period of confinement, it seems essential to find a healthier diet. Especially when faced with the lack of physical activity. Pascal Nourtier, nutritionist-dietitian, gives us advice on feeding our children.

The epidemic of Coronavirus has profoundly changed our daily life and that of our cherubim. Confined at home, children can no longer spend as much as before, and the lack of physical activity is starting to be felt. However, it is essential that our brats keep in shape and continue to boost their immune system. This includes changing their eating habits. Because if in many families we continue to eat as before, it is important to review the way we consume so as not to gain too much weight and deteriorate our health (at a time when our body must be resistant to the virus). Pascal Nourtier, nutritionist-dietitian, tells us which food to favor for our children.

Fruits and vegetables in large quantities!

Do not hesitate to give your children lots of fruits and vegetables (in season). “They will be a source of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, when physical activity is reduced, there may be a risk of constipation. Consuming fiber is therefore essential to promote good digestion and good transit ”, explains the specialist. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. Consuming it regularly makes the immune system stronger.

Ideally, in a plate, the child should find a source of protein, a source of starchy foods and a source of fiber (vegetables). Pascal Nourtier also recommends putting meat, fish or an egg at each meal, even in small quantities: "For the simple reason that with less physical activity, we lose muscle mass, so by slightly increasing the intake of protein, this ensures our maintenance. " For vegetarians, you can find proteins in legumes (lentils, chickpeas, red beans, etc.) or in cereals (almonds, nuts, etc.).

If possible, favor whole starchy foods (whole pasta, whole rice, whole grains). In terms of quantity, be sure to add as much starch as there are vegetables. Here are some association ideas according to the expert: spinach rice, zucchini rice, cauliflower semolina, carrot potato. You can replace fresh vegetables with canned or frozen vegetables without worry.

"It is useless to decrease the proportions on the plate of his child during this period, because in any case, he will eat as he pleases and stop when he does not want any more", says the nutritionist. The important thing is to eat healthy.

Foods to avoid!

In general, it is better to avoid refined products such as prepared meals, cookies, cakes, etc. "For snacks, favor a dairy product with a cut or stewed fruit", continues Pascal Nourtier. If you want to add cake to your child's snack, it is possible, but it is better to make it homemade!

Same thing for breakfast. No more Nutella cereals and toast (or only on weekends). We prefer a dairy product with fresh fruit, not juice. "The fruit juices are very sweet and when pressed, the vitamins in the fruit lose quality", he specifies. If our expert recommends consuming as many dairy products, it is especially because they are rich in vitamin D and allow to avoid deficiencies due to lack of sunshine.

Regarding the "cheat meals", you can continue to prepare burgers or nuggets for your little ones. However, it is best to eat the hamburger with salad and very few (or no) fries. Same for nuggets or whatever. It's all about balance on the plate. Finish this fatty meal with a fruit salad, for fiber (and digestion).

Stick to a routine

Be careful not to overeat! "The trap is getting out of a normal setting, going to bed late, getting up late, and eating outside of meal times. It will tire our body, decrease our resistance, we will gain weight and then it will be very difficult to get back into a routine ”, warns Pascal Nourtier. Try to keep up with the child's pace as much as possible. For example, if he ate at 12:30 in the canteen, we can plan his lunches at the same time.

Besides, just because your brat is confined to the house does not mean that he cannot spend his time! It is essential that he continues to be physically active, even indoors. If you do not have a garden for him to let off steam, you can always offer him videos of physical exercises available on Youtube. This fun and playful activity will amuse him a lot!

3 recipes to avoid overdose of pasta

Video by Louise Lethiec

Read also :

– 6 ideas of physical exercises that will allow children to let off steam

– Top 20 quick meals for lunch between telework and children's class