“We call on citizens around the world to boycott Russian oil now”

Grandstand. Russian oil funds the invasion of Ukraine and the killing of innocent people. As has been the case with the money flowing from the sale of conflict diamonds and fueling the civil war in Africa, we must cut this funding at source. This trade must be stopped through pressure exerted by you, the consumers, on companies and governments.

Putin sells five million barrels of oil a day, much of it destined for Europe. Today, as European leaders gather to discuss the crisis, we call on citizens everywhere to boycott Russian oil now.

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We are greatly supported by many governments and people. They welcome our refugees, send us food and medicine, and voted against Putin’s war at the United Nations. On Tuesday March 8, the Biden administration decided to ban all imports of Russian oil and gas into the United States. However, politicians in Germany, Italy, the UK and other countries are afraid to impose an immediate embargo. They fear that oil prices will skyrocket and their constituents won’t understand their decision, or will be too unhappy to care. But this is not your case.

Accelerating the transition against climate change

If Russian oil is boycotted, a device can be deployed to solve short-term supply problems. In the long term, it is obvious that each country, to ensure its national security, must imperatively free itself quickly from dependence on fossil fuels. Our request will only accelerate the transition required to fight climate change.

Yet despite the indiscriminate killings on the streets of Ukraine and the promises of action from the world’s most powerful leaders at the climate summit in Glasgow in November 2021, European governments are still hesitant. If we cannot end the age of fossil fuels in the face of the slaughter of civilians and the destruction of our planet, what will it take?

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers The use of the energy embargo divides Europeans

Let’s make it easy for them. We are organizing a coalition to track and locate tankers carrying Russian oil. The Russians will try to hide this information, but we can tell you the location of these boats. A week ago, Shell bought a shipment of Russian oil, apparently because of the reduced price of $30 per barrel.

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