“We did not want to play with him”: the count of Bouderbala exiled, his son in question

A handful of French artists, whether comedians, actors or singers, have chosen to leave the country to settle abroad. The Count of Bouderbala, alias Sami Ameziane, has settled down in a neighboring country. It is in Portugal that the 43-year-old comedian and humorist, who went through the hut Jamel Comedy Club, now lives with her son. Where some make this choice not to pay taxes in France, the Count of Bouderbala is far from all that. In an interview for Paris Matchhe explained that this departure had made its way after a discussion with his little boy: “I did not leave for tax reasons, he begins. But when my son explained to me that we didn’t want to play with him because he was an ‘arable’, it brought back bad memories..”

Noting the suffering of his son and his difficult daily life at school because of the other comrades was a trigger for the Count of Bouderbala. As a father hen, he therefore took the lead and packed their bags for Portugal. Every weekend, the comedian returns to Paris to perform his shows. A new rhythm adopted out of love for his son, whom he wants to see flourish as much as he too has been able to.

His childhood, the Count of Bouderbala spent part of it in Saint-Denis in the Paris region. The very place where he met at the age of 15 the one he is very much in love with today: “I met her when I was 15, the day I entered Lycée Eluard in Saint-Denis. It was love at first sight on the bushe confided to Paris Match. Impossible to talk to him about the whole year since I always grew up looking at my shoes. Last summer. I have an acne breakout. At the start of the school year, I look like a Regina pizza and everyone makes fun of me. I tried for a long time to find her. One day, she came to see me on stage. She had made her life, two children, but she had just left her boyfriend. So we met again…“And they’ve never been apart since.

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