Weather warning: There is an acute danger of black ice here

Weather Alert
There is an acute danger of black ice here

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Attention, Germany – it’s going to be really frosty again. There is also a risk of black ice. You can read here in which parts of Germany the weather warning is particularly acute.

In the coming days there may be weather-related restrictions and dangers in parts of Germany. We explain where you should take extra care according to the weather forecast.

Car drivers in particular have to be particularly careful here

The German weather service not only warns of acute ice (warning level 2) for eastern Germany, but also for the west. The regions from southern Brandenburg to just below Berlin are affected. Saxony, Dresden and parts of Leipzig also light up in the signal color orange. There can also be icy, slippery roads and sidewalks on Thursday morning. Especially in rural areas, but also in urban areas, as a driver you have to reckon with slippery roads.

The State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) also stated that there was already a large area of ​​black ice on Wednesday afternoon. In the south of Saxony in particular, drivers had to reckon with heavy snowdrifts and slippery roads. As a result, it was not uncommon for accidents, some of which were serious, to occur in the days that followed, resulting in personal injury or even loss of life.

The German Weather Service (DWD) therefore recommends increased caution and precautionary measures, such as driving slowly and more distance from other road users, especially in the morning.

Caution advised: This can be done preventively

The DWD warning also affects parts of central and northern Germany, but the danger here is lower than in the east and west of the country. In addition, there is more light drizzle or sleet here than in other areas, which can make the road even smoother. Kiel is particularly badly affected.

Road users should therefore pay attention to black ice, especially in the early hours of the morning, and adapt their driving behavior to avoid accidents. Driving with winter tires is advisable despite milder temperatures, as they offer greater grip than summer tires and increase safety. Even if there is no snow without warning, especially in areas, you should never go unprepared – especially not when the temperature drops below zero degrees at night or even when there is frost.

Sources used:, DWD


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