Weekend horoscope from April 5th: 3 zodiac signs are gifted with love

Weekend horoscope from April 5th
3 zodiac signs are gifted with love by Venus

© rohappy / Adobe Stock

The current planetary constellations can cause unrest at the moment, but for some zodiac signs they also hold wonderful new opportunities. Is yours one of them?

We are currently in the middle of the four-week eclipse season. After the partial lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse awaits us on Monday, April 8th. At the same time, since April 2nd. Mercury in retrograde, which can make communication difficult and lead to misunderstandings. All in all, this is currently a very challenging phase for everyone Zodiac sign in which we can take it easy and treat ourselves to whatever we feel like.

Above all, we can leave the leadership entirely to the cosmos in the coming weeks and trust that the universe has the best in store for us so that we can then return to our fullness and work with full energy on the implementation of our plans and dreams.

In keeping with this, the moon moves into the zodiac sign Pisces on Friday, which brings with it a particularly dreamy energy. And love goddess Venus has also moved into position and is sending some zodiac signs an extra portion of love. And this can be visible in many forms.

Three zodiac signs will appear on the weekend from April 5th. showered with love by Venus


No trace of tiredness or overwhelm: Leo starts the weekend full of energy, because the sun and Venus have a positive influence on you and ensure a good mood. It’s no wonder that you appear particularly likeable to those around you and that this charisma also makes others notice you. Venus has big things in mind, especially for singles. So be sure to keep your eyes open on the weekend. But things also get hot and spicy for Leos in long-term relationships. Cooled relationships are rekindled and together you reach a new level in your partnership.


Things could get really magical for Scorpios this weekend. Because Venus also has a surprise for you that will immediately make you feel like this could be your one-and-only person. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to your intuition. How do you feel around others? Is there someone where the spark jumps straight away and you feel comfortable and secure? Then it’s worth investing more here and not letting the opportunity pass you by.


Cancers get a special gift this weekend: they get to practice lots of self-love! Sounds boring? Absolutely not. The universe supports you in putting your life to the test and asking yourself: What is stopping me? What doesn’t fit into my life and what is good for me? The current energies are now strengthening your intuition and your confidence in your own abilities. Because Cancers are known to shy away from change and they also don’t like making decisions, even if they would be really good for them. The weekend is all the more important to focus on yourself and act out of pure self-love.

Sources: Brigitte Horoscope


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