Weekly horoscope from April 15th: 3 zodiac signs for whom (almost) everything is going well now

Weekly horoscope
Which zodiac sign has (almost) everything going well in the week from April 15th

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The week commencing April 15th brings us new solar energy combined with a beneficial lunar influence. You can read about which zodiac signs particularly benefit from this here.

The 16th calendar week of this year begins on April 15th and the Aries influences are slowly withdrawing: the sun will reach this on Friday, April 19th Star sign Taurus. From now on it will encourage less drive and willpower in us, but will have an even greater impact on our sense of balance, our pragmatism and our willingness to enjoy ourselves while at the same time having a sense of duty. In short: Taurus energy will be beneficial to those who value stability and want to be content with what is, and who, on the other hand, feel stressed and want to distance themselves from the need to have and achieve more and more.

The moon is noticeably waxing this week and will pass through the zodiac signs Cancer, Leo and Virgo in descending motion until Sunday. While at the beginning of the week in Cancer it primarily promotes our sensitivity and tact towards other people, in Leo it particularly supports us in seeing our own strengths and needs and responding to them. Under the Virgo Moon, our emotional side can become a little quieter and gentler, giving more space to our desire for rational clarity.

According to the horoscope, the following zodiac signs can particularly benefit from the cosmic conditions in the 16th calendar week.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that will succeed in almost anything this week


Cancers feel energized and centered this week. You are now completely yourself and feel both your abilities and your limitations equally clearly. With your sensitivity and your emotional and rational wisdom, you are currently giving those around you a lot of support and strength and you are drawing energy from this. Given the given conditions, you will achieve most of your goals without undue effort, which will give you extra drive and impetus.


This week, Virgos will receive valuable cosmic impulses that will help them find solutions to their most pressing problems. Who are you at your core? How would you behave in a foreign life, in a distant world, in another time? What do you think is right and wrong, what do you believe in? These questions can now be clarified for you in your unconscious. Which in turn will help you to consciously perceive who and what you really want in the here and now.


This week, Libras are particularly good at identifying which existing patterns and habits are currently preventing them from pursuing – and realizing – their newer and current visions and desires. This clarity alone now enables you to let go and not insist on outdated beliefs out of pride or nostalgia. You can benefit from your current attitude, especially in the social area: Now it might be worth giving a relationship you thought was lost another chance.

Sources used: mondrausch.com, astromedizin.info, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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