Went back indoors – 2 year old falls from second floor and survives

It’s hard to believe: a two-year-old boy fell out of a second-story window onto a meadow in Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria, got up despite his injuries and went back to the front door. The mother immediately drove the boy to the state hospital in Wiener Neustadt, and the child is now being cared for at home again.

The two-year-old suffered a fractured collarbone, a contused lung and an injury to the left ulna and radius when, in an unobserved moment in his parents’ apartment, he fell out of the open window of the children’s room at the weekend – a fly screen was mounted on it – and as if by a miracle survived. According to the police, the mother of eight minors was already looking for her son and finally found him at the entrance to the house. “There was never any danger to life,” the officials said. The two-year-old was able to leave the hospital on Sunday. The hospital’s injury report was received by police on Monday. The comment function has been deactivated.
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