what changes on your payslip

Your payslip gets a makeover. Since January 1, 2022, certain lines must appear more legibly on your payslip: the amount of net taxable salary, the amount of income tax deducted at source and the amount of overtime or additional hours exempt from taxation. .

To make it easier to read and above all to complete your tax return, a new ruling is imposed from January 1, 2022, presentation changes of your payslip. You may have already noticed it but your employer must now include in a dedicated cartridge as shown in the screenshot below:

  • the amount of net taxable salary,
  • the amount of income tax deducted at source,
  • the amount of overtime or additional hours exempt from taxation.

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For this last point, while this line previously only mentioned the employer part, it is complete with the employee part.

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Furthermore, the cumulative annual amount of these three values ​​must also be mentioned for the periods between January 1 and December 31 of the year to which they relate, specifies the ruling.

Screenshot of the Official Journal

The decree of December 23, 2021 modifies that of February 25, 2016 fixing the wording, order and grouping of the information appearing on the payslip mentioned in article R. 3243-2 of the labor code. The purpose of this judgment is to make it easier for you to read but also your tax return.

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