What does “Bombastic Side Eye” mean? meaning and use


One speaks of a ”Bombastic Side Eye” when one criticizes or disapproves someone with looks. The TikTok term has now also arrived in everyday life. Find out more in our definition of terms.

We explain the term ”Bombastic Side Eye” (Source: Maridav / depositphotos.com)

That means Bombastic Side Eye: disapproving look

The term bombastic side eye is used when giving someone a disapproving look. Side Eye means ”side view” in German, while bombastic means ”bombastic” in German. The bombastic side glance is an increase in the normal side glance and stands for great contempt or criticism of the other person or some actions of the other person.

Origin of Bombastic Side Eye

The phrase ”Side Eye” has been around in English for a long time, but has only gained tremendous popularity via TikTok in the last few months. There, the audio track “Bombastic side eye, Criminal offensive side eye” is used by and for virtually anything and anyone doing a side eye. For animals and objects with side-glance faces, therefore, the expression is used. The audio track is also used for lip sync videos


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