What does “Bussin” mean? meaning and use


Someone uses the term “Bussin” on TikTok and you don’t know what that means? Then read here the meaning of the expression and how to use it.

What does “Bussin” mean? (Source: sonyakamoz / depositphotos.com)

That means “bussin”: something is very good or tasty

The English phrase “Bussin” has been appearing frequently on the TikTok app lately, meaning “something is very good or tasty”. Mostly this is used in relation to food and describes a meal that is foodporn and therefore extremely tasty.

This is how “bussin” is used

“Bussin” is usually used to refer to a really appetizing meal, which is then posted on TikTok. But your appearance or your make-up can also be “Bussin”. Whenever something looks very good, you can use the expression.


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Here are examples of how to use “bussin”:

  • “Wow your makeup is so bussin! Mega lit.”
  • “Your sushi looks mega bussin. Bon appetit!”

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