What does “catcalling” mean? meaning and use


Someone tells you about “catcalling” and you have no idea what it means? Not bad, here you can find out the meaning and use of the term.

What does “catcalling” mean? (Source: AntonioGuillemF / depositphotos.com)

That means “catcalling”: sexual harassment without physical contact

The term “catcalling” comes from English and describes a form of sexual harassment that does not require physical contact and is not yet punishable in Germany, but is still very unpleasant. Catcalling particularly affects women.

Examples of catcalling include yelling offensive remarks about someone’s body in public or whistling at them. Chasing, obscene gestures, and being tailgated are also catcalling and can scare many people because catcalling can quickly lead to actual sexual assault.


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This is how “catcalling” is used

If someone yells lewd stuff at you or won’t leave you alone on the street, you can call their attention to “catcalling” and use the term. If he doesn’t know this, you can also call it by its name, because it is considered sexual harassment. If you’re uncomfortable doing this, get help from passers-by – you’re bound to find an Ally – or call an emergency hotline.

Here are examples of using “catcalling”:

  • “This creepy guy just wouldn’t leave me alone, catcalled me and followed me to my front door.”
  • “Catcalling should also be punishable here, because that can quickly become dangerous, FFS.”

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