What does “Cyka Blyat” mean? meaning and use


If you have come across the term “Cyka Blyat” on social networks and it doesn’t mean anything to you, we will help you. Learn about its meaning and use here.

What does “Cyka Blyat” mean?

That means “Cyka Blyat”: Damn shit (loose translation)

The phrase “Cyka Blyat” is common in chat or headset conversation. It comes from the Russian word “Сука”, which directly translates to “bitch”, but can be translated as “bitch”, “slut” or “slut” as an insult. So the actual meaning of “Cyka” is very condescending, but through frequent use the harshness of the term has been reduced.

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The second part of the expression, Blyat (блядь) also comes from Russian and can be compared to the English “F*ck”. In the literal translation it stands for the unsightly German word “whore”. In Russian, this is an extremely harsh insult, so it is not used in everyday speech. On the Internet, however, the rules have softened and “Cyka Blyat” has established itself there as an insult.


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This is how “Cyka Blyat” is used – or not

Even if the meaning of the expression in German can be roughly expressed as “damned shit”, you should not use it on the street and also pay attention to when you use the expression and in which forum on the Internet – unless you tell yourself “YOLO”.

It’s now established in most online games, but you shouldn’t use Cyka Blyat as a comment under an Instagram photo, nor should you use “Huan”.

Due to the frequent use in CS:GO, there is now even a song on Youtube. In the language of online games, the term is also used simply when there are Russian players on the team.

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